Professional Bike Fit Service at Sunflower Outdoor and Bike

Improve Cycling Performance, Comfort and Prevent Injury with Sunflower’s Bike Fitting Service
Whether you’re on a brand new bike or you’re looking to shave seconds off of your next race time, you can benefit from a professional bike fit to be more comfortable, more efficient, more powerful, and improve cycling performance on every ride. Regardless of what type of cycling you enjoy, you'll benefit from a bike that has been properly adjusted to fit your body and your riding style. You’ll also be less likely to sustain injuries on a bike when your bike has been expertly configured and adjusted.
Sunflower is one of only a handful of bike shops offering such a comprehensive, technical bike fit service in the state of Kansas. Our service includes a 3D motion-capture system, a digital foot device, a digital sit bone device, and other state-of-the-art tools to ensure you get the best and most competent fit to your form and bike.
Sunflower’s Paul Heimbach is a Retül Level II Fit Technician, which is the highest level of Retül professional bike fit training available. Paul has been extensively trained to:
- Conduct a rider interview and physical assessment
- Identify and place markers on anatomical landmarks
- Interpret and analyze fit data in addition to input from the interview and assessment to make a customized adjustment specific to the rider
SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT: Call the shop today to schedule a bike fit with Paul Heimbach at 785-843-5000.
What You’ll Get From a Professional, Dynamic Bike Fit Package
The full dynamic bike fit process will take about two hours.
Physical assessment and interview: Starting with a conversation about your riding history, any injuries, and your goals, your fitter will then have you get on the bike to place LED markers on 8 anatomical points of your body. The will be tracked by the motion-capture system to collect real-time, 3D data from each pedal stroke.
Data output: The real-time data is input to the bike fit software so the fitter can analyze your unique movements.
Bike adjustment: Using your conversation, measurements, and data output, the fitter will adjust your bike. This also may include any recommended equipment changes, such as shoes, footbeds, saddle, handlebars, etc. (See below for more on shoe and pedal selection.)
Digital map: Once you and your fitter have dialed in your final bike position, the fitter will create a digital map of your final bike set up. You will be given a complete report that you can reference at any time after your bike fit appointment.
Standard Fit
a brief assessment to make component-specific adjustments
Adjust seat height
Adjust fore/aft seat position
Adjust handlebar reach
Adjust handlebar height
Advanced Fit
more in-depth assessment for increased comfort
a standard fit plus:
Measure and adjust handlebar width
Pedal/cleat alignment
Measurements to help fit future bikes to a similar position
Dynamic Fit
a comprehensive fit to dial in your specific bike for optimal performance
an advanced fit plus:
Video analysis of dynamic cycling position
Adjustment of all measurements based on video analysis
Aerobar setup (optional)
How to Prepare for Your Professional Bike Fit
Come as you ride to your bike fit. Wear the apparel you would typically ride in (including gloves), bring your current bike shoes, and — of course — bring your bike! You will be fit on your bike wearing your apparel to best support your riding setup and style.
If the Shoe Fits ...
For maximum power transfer on the road or trail and for exceptional comfort on a spin bike, we recommend clipless cycling shoes and pedals. With stiffer soles and the ability to click into and out of your pedal system easily, cycling shoes make your ride and your workout more efficient, more effective, and more comfortable. Never get stuck in a toe cage again!
The advanced and dynamic bike fit service will include adjusting your clipless cycling shoes’ cleat (the piece that clicks into your pedals) position and pedals to maximize your power with each pedal stroke and help to protect you from injury.Photos by Dan Hughes